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Eating Your Foods in This Order Helps to Reduce the Blood Sugar Response

Did you know that the order in which you eat your food can have a huge impact on how the foods affect your blood sugar?!

First off, thanks for @glucosegoddess for the graphs on slide 2!

So here’s how it works:

1 You start with vegetables (if you’re eating them). Of course these should be the low-carb, non-starchy veggies like these: The point of eating them first is that the fiber in the vegetables actually slow the absorption of the carbs and sugar in the foods.

So definitely choose salad over bread for starting a meal. Cooked veggies work too and are recommended over raw if your digestion/gut can’t handle raw veggies well.

2 Next, eat your protein and fats . Again, this will help to slow and even reduce some of the absorption of the carbs.

3 Finally, have your carbs. Ideally, if you’re having carbs, they will be whole food carbs like these: .

Check out the graphs on slide 2 to see the impact of the order of the foods.

Please note: this hack is not going...

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Swap This For This...

It’s time to break up with your morning oatmeal!! Even though it’s a “complex carb” it still raises the blood sugar for HOURS!!

We want to avoid spiking the blood sugar in this way because it’s inflammatory and raises insulin levels. This can lead to excess hunger, cravings, headaches and lots of other symptoms of blood sugar dysregulation.

In the graph on the left, I had oatmeal with cashew butter, full fat Greek yogurt, coconut, bee pollen and raspberries. All of those toppings are low carb and some contain healthy fats.

The presence of those fats was not enough to prevent a spike.

With the chia seed pudding on the other hand, I still had some fat-filled or low carb toppings like raw cacao, pecans, cacao nibs and a few wild blueberries.

The difference is very clear: absolutely NO spike in my blood sugar at all from the chia seed pudding!!

Important notes: neither chia seed pudding nor oatmeal contains a sufficient amount of protein to be a complete,...

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Hypoglycemia Can Be Caused By...

Hypoglycemia is tricky to treat! The “poor eating habits” such as consuming vegetable oils, processed carbs and snacking is the low hanging fruit. They need to be removed from the diet (though the person may still need to eat more frequently at first).

But what people often miss is how much the gut, adrenals and nutrient deficiencies play a role!

Once again, diet is only a piece of the puzzle (albeit a very large piece) but we always need to look “under the hood” at how the body is functioning.

I hope if you’re struggling this gives you hope because there are more areas to explore!!

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Slow Metabolism? More Likely Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone that tells the body to store sugar as fat. High insulin levels in the blood lead to Insulin Resistance.

When we are in a state of fat storage we can’t be in a state of fat burning.

Insulin resistance can easily make you feel like you have a slow metabolism because it causes weight loss resistance.

This was something I suffered with for years starting in 2013. I successfully reversed my Insulin Resistance and PCOS so I could finally get back to a healthy weight.

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Chronic Stress is Worse for You Than Sugar is

Just a friendly reminder for those who are eating the “perfect” diet but still struggling with blood sugar and other health issues.

Stress can undo anything you do nutritionally!!

It’s easier to change your diet than it is to combat chronic stress.

I’ve started with adding a morning meditation every day right after I get up and feed the cats. If I don’t do it immediately, it doesn’t get done.

It’s made me more aware of my breath and my emotions throughout the day. I’m a total novice when it comes to meditation but no one starts out being an expert in anything.

In my signature group coaching course, the Balance Unlocked Project, we don’t only look at food, but also address other areas of potential stress for the body like: not exercising enough, over exercising, toxins, gut issues, artificial light exposure, etc.

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Weight Loss Plateau

Our bodies adapt quickly so if we do the same things all the time, we are headed straight for a plateau!!

One way to bust through these plateaus is to change things up.

If you’re doing keto, throw in a carb up day. If you’re doing 16:8 intermittent fasting daily, try a 5-1-1 instead. If you do the same workout all the time, change things up by doing different exercises.

Are you experiencing a plateau with your health or weight loss goals??

Sometimes the answer is also to dig deeper and look under the hood at things like digestion, adrenals, stress, sleep, light exposure, toxins or something else.

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You May Have Blood Sugar Issues If....

I didn’t know I had blood sugar issues because I intuitively ate/snacked to avoid feeling blood sugar crashes!

These are some common behaviors and beliefs that people with blood sugar issues often do/have.

Blood sugar issues often go unnoticed until someone receives a diagnosis of prediabetes or type II diabetes. These issues go on for decades before that diagnosis.

One of my main goals is to get this knowledge out to the mainstream so people can catch their blood sugar issues early and reverse them (when it’s easiest to reverse!)

It should be noted though that blood sugar issues (even when it’s advanced to type II Diabetes) can still be reversed. (Unfortunately not Type 1s yet )

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โ€œBut X diet isnโ€™t working.โ€ Well you should probably change more than just your food!!

“But X diet isn’t working.” Well you should probably change more than just your food!!

We don’t take a car to the mechanic so they can tell us to just change the fuel and the oil.

They lift up the hood to see what’s going wrong.

It can be hard to know how to fix things like your digestion, your inflammation, improve sleep, move the right way for yourself body, nourish your adrenals, replete nutrient deficiencies and optimize hydration on your own.

You only have one body! It’s time to INVEST in YOURSELF and bring your body to the Nutritional Therapist for a tune up.

Like I said, it can be hard to do this on your own. That’s why I created the Balance Unlocked Project! It’s my signature group coaching program that takes a deep dive into blood sugar and all the foundations of health.

We take deep dives into adopting a nourishing diet; getting out inflammatory ingredients; adjusting macros; increasing nutrient density of food, optimizing...

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Let Me Introduce Myself

I thought it would be a good day to introduce myself to all the new faces around here & would love to learn more about you too!

I’m a holistic nutritional therapist & I specialize in blood sugar regulation.

I became interested in blood sugar & holistic health when I got sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I had severe allergies, asthma, chronic sinus infections, Candida, acne, and more.

I cleaned up my diet and all those things went away but then I developed hormonal issues:

PCOS, cystic acne, weight loss resistance, adrenal fatigue & absent periods.

I tried so hard to fix the hormonal issues but couldn’t make a dent until I realized that they were being caused by blood sugar issues and insulin resistance!!

Those energy crashes I had, the constant grazing, the shakiness if I didn’t eat, the sugar cravings, the purse granola bars... they were all signs of blood sugar dysregulation & I had no idea!!

Now I’m on a mission to help people uncover...

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The Key to Stable Energy, Fat Burning & Metabolic Health is: Glycemic Control

What the heck is “balanced blood sugar” anyway?? It’s another way of saying GLYCEMIC CONTROL.

When we have good glycemic control, our blood glucose stays very stable in a tightly controlled range. There are no steep increases or sudden crashes. As you can see from these graphs, good glycemic control stays within that optimal green range.

On the other hand, poor glycemic control looks like the chart on the right. There are steep inclines and abrupt crashes in the blood glucose.

Why does that matter? Because those spikes and crashes will make you feel like shit!

everyone experiences blood sugar issues differently but here are some things you might feel:

•fatigue or energy crashes
•cravings, intense & urgent hunger
•shakiness, dizziness, lightheadedness
•anxiety, irritability or other mood issues
•brain fog or inability to concentrate
•poor sleep (notice the red crash in the early morning - that person probably woke up with a pounding heart!)

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