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Hypoglycemia Can Be Caused By...

Hypoglycemia is tricky to treat! The “poor eating habits” such as consuming vegetable oils, processed carbs and snacking is the low hanging fruit. They need to be removed from the diet (though the person may still need to eat more frequently at first).

But what people often miss is how much the gut, adrenals and nutrient deficiencies play a role!

Once again, diet is only a piece of the puzzle (albeit a very large piece) but we always need to look “under the hood” at how the body is functioning.

I hope if you’re struggling this gives you hope because there are more areas to explore!!

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Chronic Stress is Worse for You Than Sugar is

Just a friendly reminder for those who are eating the “perfect” diet but still struggling with blood sugar and other health issues.

Stress can undo anything you do nutritionally!!

It’s easier to change your diet than it is to combat chronic stress.

I’ve started with adding a morning meditation every day right after I get up and feed the cats. If I don’t do it immediately, it doesn’t get done.

It’s made me more aware of my breath and my emotions throughout the day. I’m a total novice when it comes to meditation but no one starts out being an expert in anything.

In my signature group coaching course, the Balance Unlocked Project, we don’t only look at food, but also address other areas of potential stress for the body like: not exercising enough, over exercising, toxins, gut issues, artificial light exposure, etc.

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โ€œBut X diet isnโ€™t working.โ€ Well you should probably change more than just your food!!

“But X diet isn’t working.” Well you should probably change more than just your food!!

We don’t take a car to the mechanic so they can tell us to just change the fuel and the oil.

They lift up the hood to see what’s going wrong.

It can be hard to know how to fix things like your digestion, your inflammation, improve sleep, move the right way for yourself body, nourish your adrenals, replete nutrient deficiencies and optimize hydration on your own.

You only have one body! It’s time to INVEST in YOURSELF and bring your body to the Nutritional Therapist for a tune up.

Like I said, it can be hard to do this on your own. That’s why I created the Balance Unlocked Project! It’s my signature group coaching program that takes a deep dive into blood sugar and all the foundations of health.

We take deep dives into adopting a nourishing diet; getting out inflammatory ingredients; adjusting macros; increasing nutrient density of food, optimizing...

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