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Swap This For This...

It’s time to break up with your morning oatmeal!! Even though it’s a “complex carb” it still raises the blood sugar for HOURS!!

We want to avoid spiking the blood sugar in this way because it’s inflammatory and raises insulin levels. This can lead to excess hunger, cravings, headaches and lots of other symptoms of blood sugar dysregulation.

In the graph on the left, I had oatmeal with cashew butter, full fat Greek yogurt, coconut, bee pollen and raspberries. All of those toppings are low carb and some contain healthy fats.

The presence of those fats was not enough to prevent a spike.

With the chia seed pudding on the other hand, I still had some fat-filled or low carb toppings like raw cacao, pecans, cacao nibs and a few wild blueberries.

The difference is very clear: absolutely NO spike in my blood sugar at all from the chia seed pudding!!

Important notes: neither chia seed pudding nor oatmeal contains a sufficient amount of protein to be a complete,...

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Weight Loss Plateau

Our bodies adapt quickly so if we do the same things all the time, we are headed straight for a plateau!!

One way to bust through these plateaus is to change things up.

If you’re doing keto, throw in a carb up day. If you’re doing 16:8 intermittent fasting daily, try a 5-1-1 instead. If you do the same workout all the time, change things up by doing different exercises.

Are you experiencing a plateau with your health or weight loss goals??

Sometimes the answer is also to dig deeper and look under the hood at things like digestion, adrenals, stress, sleep, light exposure, toxins or something else.

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Hungry Between Meals? You Probably Didn't Have Enough Fat or Protein at Your Last Meal

blood sugar keto protein Mar 18, 2021

Yesterday I talked about the benefits of NOT SNACKING. As a refresher, it allows insulin levels to come down to reduce risk of insulin resistance, and it allows you the opportunity to burn your own body fat for fuel and become metabolically flexible.

It doesn’t happen overnight thought. So since I recommend cutting out snacks, I know many of you are gonna say, “But Dani, I get too hungry.”

The easy fix for this is eating bigger meals. And that especially means more fat and protein at each meal.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient. And fat is like a big log in the fire . It burns low and slow unlike carbs which are more like kindling that burn hot and fast.

If your meals are carb heavy with just a little fat and protein, you won’t make it more than a few hours and certainly not 5 or 6 hours until your next meal.

If you’re used to eating small meals and can’t eat a lot at one time, make this change gradually. Also start by adding just a few more...

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