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Best Blood Sugar & Insulin Stabilizing Foods!

We know that reducing blood sugar and insulin spikes at meals helps us have more stable energy levels, avoid energy crashes, have more balanced hormones, fewer cravings, less anxiety, better moods, better skin, and more.

Stable blood sugar & insulin is also so important for our long term health.

The best way to reduce these inflammatory spikes of blood sugar and insulin is to have lots of healthy fats (& protein) at meals.

These foods contain lots of healthy fats and tons of nutrients, plus have the least effect on blood sugar and insulin so you can feel fuller and energized longer without having to depend on carbs and sugar for energy.

Certain fats and oils (like butter & olive oil) are great but be sure to get your fats from food as well because they contain more nutrients than the oils.

These foods can also help promote a metabolic state of nutritional ketosis (which we are learning about this week in Blood Sugar Mastery!)

Ready to join us in November? 

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The Earliest Signs of Blood Sugar Issues

If you miss a meal and experience these symptoms, or if you have to snack before the next meal because of these, chances are you’re experiencing some blood sugar dysregulation.

Our bodies were designed to go long periods without food because they’re supposed to be able to just burn stored fuel (glycogen and then body fat) when food is not around.

Our high carb diets, consumption of processed foods, constant snacking, damaged fat consumption (vegetable oils), messed up guts, and tired adrenals can all contribute to the development of these blood sugar issues.

Does this sound like you??

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Eating Your Foods in This Order Helps to Reduce the Blood Sugar Response

Did you know that the order in which you eat your food can have a huge impact on how the foods affect your blood sugar?!

First off, thanks for @glucosegoddess for the graphs on slide 2!

So here’s how it works:

1 You start with vegetables (if you’re eating them). Of course these should be the low-carb, non-starchy veggies like these: The point of eating them first is that the fiber in the vegetables actually slow the absorption of the carbs and sugar in the foods.

So definitely choose salad over bread for starting a meal. Cooked veggies work too and are recommended over raw if your digestion/gut can’t handle raw veggies well.

2 Next, eat your protein and fats . Again, this will help to slow and even reduce some of the absorption of the carbs.

3 Finally, have your carbs. Ideally, if you’re having carbs, they will be whole food carbs like these: .

Check out the graphs on slide 2 to see the impact of the order of the foods.

Please note: this hack is not going...

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Slow Metabolism? More Likely Insulin Resistance

Insulin is a hormone that tells the body to store sugar as fat. High insulin levels in the blood lead to Insulin Resistance.

When we are in a state of fat storage we can’t be in a state of fat burning.

Insulin resistance can easily make you feel like you have a slow metabolism because it causes weight loss resistance.

This was something I suffered with for years starting in 2013. I successfully reversed my Insulin Resistance and PCOS so I could finally get back to a healthy weight.

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Chronic Stress is Worse for You Than Sugar is

Just a friendly reminder for those who are eating the “perfect” diet but still struggling with blood sugar and other health issues.

Stress can undo anything you do nutritionally!!

It’s easier to change your diet than it is to combat chronic stress.

I’ve started with adding a morning meditation every day right after I get up and feed the cats. If I don’t do it immediately, it doesn’t get done.

It’s made me more aware of my breath and my emotions throughout the day. I’m a total novice when it comes to meditation but no one starts out being an expert in anything.

In my signature group coaching course, the Balance Unlocked Project, we don’t only look at food, but also address other areas of potential stress for the body like: not exercising enough, over exercising, toxins, gut issues, artificial light exposure, etc.

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You May Have Blood Sugar Issues If....

I didn’t know I had blood sugar issues because I intuitively ate/snacked to avoid feeling blood sugar crashes!

These are some common behaviors and beliefs that people with blood sugar issues often do/have.

Blood sugar issues often go unnoticed until someone receives a diagnosis of prediabetes or type II diabetes. These issues go on for decades before that diagnosis.

One of my main goals is to get this knowledge out to the mainstream so people can catch their blood sugar issues early and reverse them (when it’s easiest to reverse!)

It should be noted though that blood sugar issues (even when it’s advanced to type II Diabetes) can still be reversed. (Unfortunately not Type 1s yet )

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Let Me Introduce Myself

I thought it would be a good day to introduce myself to all the new faces around here & would love to learn more about you too!

I’m a holistic nutritional therapist & I specialize in blood sugar regulation.

I became interested in blood sugar & holistic health when I got sick and tired of being sick and tired!

I had severe allergies, asthma, chronic sinus infections, Candida, acne, and more.

I cleaned up my diet and all those things went away but then I developed hormonal issues:

PCOS, cystic acne, weight loss resistance, adrenal fatigue & absent periods.

I tried so hard to fix the hormonal issues but couldn’t make a dent until I realized that they were being caused by blood sugar issues and insulin resistance!!

Those energy crashes I had, the constant grazing, the shakiness if I didn’t eat, the sugar cravings, the purse granola bars... they were all signs of blood sugar dysregulation & I had no idea!!

Now I’m on a mission to help people uncover...

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Eating Every Few Hours Keeps Your Insulin Levels Elevated Which Tells Your Body to Store Fat

This outdated nutrition advice might be keeping you stuck with an inefficient metabolism & be blocking fat burning! (Literally the opposite of what they tell you it would do).

When you eat (especially snacks), your blood sugar rises and so does your insulin. Insulin’s job is to put the sugar in the cells of the body for use or storage.

When insulin is in the blood, the message the body gets is “store fat.”

If we are eating all day, we are constantly raising our insulin levels and keeping our body in a fat STORAGE mode.

You can’t burn fat and store it at the same time so this is how snacking actually blocks your fat burning.

Hot tip: Stop snacking!

Tip for getting started with this: Have your snacks right at the end of your meal instead of a few hours later.

Note: If you can’t make it to the next meal, try adding more fat and protein to your meals. If you’re getting shaky, hangry, anxious, fatigued, dizzy, or having any other sign of a blood sugar...

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Signs You're a Sugar Burner or Sign You're Metabolically Flexible

Are you a sugar burner, metabolically flexible or somewhere in between??

Becoming metabolically flexible (able to burn both glucose AND fat for fuel) was the biggest game changer in my health journey.

When I had no ability to tap into stored body fat for fuel, every few hours, I had to eat or I would feel shaky, lightheaded, hangry and anxious. I had no metabolic flexibility. i intuitively snacked and grazed to prevent these feelings.

This is called reactive hypoglycemia. It goes hand in hand with #InsulinResistance.

Now I can easily skip meals, sometimes I literally forget to eat (I used to think people who said that were making it up!), and I never feel INTENSE hunger.

My energy is stable throughout the day, I stopped having acne, I lost weight, and wouldn’t you know it, I no longer have Insulin Resistance, PCOS or PMS!

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