Symptoms are the language of your body.
To suppress symptoms without understanding what they’re telling you is a slippery slope. #dontkillthemessenger
Oftentimes individual symptoms can be vague (like low energy) but if you zoom out and look at the patterns, you can really begin to understand.
For example, you have low energy when you wake up and every afternoon but have a lot of energy at night, you have trouble sleeping and falling asleep, you get headaches when your meal is delayed and you have trouble losing weight. To me, all of these signs alone can have multiple causes but when we see them together, my mind is screaming blood sugar and adrenals.
If we just caffeinated and took sleeping pills and cut calories to try to get rid of these symptoms we would never get rid of them or hit the root cause.
The other issue I see with symptoms is that oftentimes people are highly unaware of how they feel.
In my upcoming Blood Sugar Mastery program (click here to get on the VIP...
Your blood sugar levels impact every organ in your body! This is why blood sugar symptoms can be so diverse and broad!
Starting with the BRAIN .. common signs of blood sugar issues can be low energy, mood issues (anxiety, depression, irritability), memory loss, brain fog, headaches, migraines, poor concentration, dizziness, and more.
SKIN: Blood sugar issues can lead to acne, and can cause or exacerbate other skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and lead to other skin conditions like acanthosis nigricans.
THYROID: One of the coolest things I witness when working with clients on their blood sugar is that almost all of them, rather quickly, get to lower or come off of their thyroid medications! Even those with Hashimoto’s!
HEART: Insulin resistance is the leading cause of high blood pressure and heart disease. Sugar depletes minerals essential for contracting and relaxing muscles (Mg, Ca). This can lead to arrhythmias.
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: High blood sugar levels are inflammatory. High...
One of the most common mistakes I see with people trying to improve their blood sugar and lose weight on a keto diet is overdoing it on fat.
(Coincidentally, the other most common issue I see is people UNDER eating fat.. but that’s a topic for another day).
I made the mistake of making fat bombs when I first went keto and all I could think about all day were the fat bombs!
I’d be driving home from work having a mental battle with myself like, “ok you can have two. Ok maybe 3.. no more than 5…” It was exhausting.
I even tried making them without any sweeteners and found I was still obsessing.
The problem with these is that they may be perpetuating your addiction to “treats” but also they’re taking the place of real, nutrient dense foods.
Same with bulletproof coffee. 5 tablespoons of butter in coffee is not a meal. I’m all for the butter, trust me. Butter is my love language… but it can’t take the place of an entire meal.
What gives you more energy than any pill, drink, bar or supplement?
Yep! Controlled blood sugar levels top them all!!
Notice in the first graph on slide 1 the blood sugar has high spikes and low valleys. This is what causes these energy crashes that will have you reaching for another energy drink or something high in carbs/sugar to get your energy back up.
This is the blood sugar rollercoaster! And it doesn’t only effect your energy; it causes all sorts of immediate symptoms and also impacts long-term health!
Someone with blood sugar like graph 1 might feel anxiety, irritability, brain fog, they may feel “Hangry”, have poor sleep, headaches, cravings, skin issues, hormone issues, cardiovascular issues and so much more.
Controlled blood sugar is the answer to more energy and eliminating all those symptoms!!
Building muscle is one of the best things you can do for improved insulin sensitivity and to avoid building excess body fat
Is building muscle a part of your healthy lifestyle??
In the Blood Sugar Mastery program you’ll learn about what movement and exercise is the most effective for blood sugar regulation and those to avoid.
Enrollment opens December 28th! Click HERE and get on the waitlist today!
I am so excited soooooo many of you have already expressed interest in the course. It’s so inspiring to see so many people out there taking their health into their own hands!!
At a normal weight or under weight?? You can still be dealing with blood sugar issues.
I saw this quote the other day and it rings true in this case, “Just because you’re skinny, doesn’t mean you’re healthy.”
If you are going through my content and relating to the symptoms regardless of your weight, you likely are experiencing these issues and would benefit from working on controlling your blood sugar.
Why would you want to do that?? Because our blood sugar not only controls how we feel at every moment of the day, it also has huge impacts on our long term health.
High blood sugar levels or constant spikes and crashes is inflammatory, taxes your adrenals, imbalances your hormones, depletes you of nutrients, is stressful on your organs, and more.
This is why diabetes is a leading cause of macular degeneration, kidney disease, heart disease, and is associated with Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmunity, and a myriad of other chronic inflammatory diseases.
When you are not metabolically flexible and can’t easily burn body fat for fuel, your body will be dependent for energy from the carbohydrates you eat.
Think about carbohydrates like kindling in a fire. Carbs burn hot and fast. If there are no logs in the fire (dietary & body fat) you will be out of fuel very quickly.
Your brain which is very energy hungry, will be the first to indicate to you that there is an energy crisis.
All of the symptoms above and more can be signs that your body is unable to burn body fat for fuel and this is often accompanied by cravings and urgent hunger for foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.
Becoming metabolically flexible is one of the keys to health! You can start by lowering carbs AND INCREASING FAT!
Remember, the fat is like the log in the fire. It will burn low and slow and give you energy for hours! If you can’t make it more than a few hours between meals, up the fat and see if that helps!
Save & Share! These are the fats and fatty foods to add more of for better blood sugar & hormones!
Healthy fats provide long lasting energy like a log on a fire
They are the building blocks of every cell membrane.
They aid in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins ADE&K.
They allow for proper use of proteins.
They slow the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce blood sugar spikes.
They make us feel full so we can stop snacking (which messes up our blood sugar).
Fats help your body inflame and anti-inflame.
They increase muscle endurance
And let’s be real…. They taste amazing!!
What are your favorite healthy fats??
This week in BLOOD SUGAR MASTERY we are learning all about the benefits of whole, real foods, the dangers of ultra-processed foods, and how to discern the difference between acceptable vs non acceptable minimally processed foods.
Eating whole foods is the key to health and is the first step for optimizing your blood sugar & your health!
Minimally processed foods can make our life easier and can have a place in a modern, healthy, blood sugar-stabilizing diet!
It’s essential to learn how to read ingredients & sift through marketing claims to know what to look for and what is just a marketing ploy (“all natural,” “free range,” “no high fructose corn syrup”, “non-GMO”, etc)
And finally, ultra processed foods contain a shit load of ingredients which have been heavily processed. Foods have been stripped of their nutrients and the food is often so devoid of nutrition, they add back in synthetic vitamins and minerals. (These are...
The gaslighting from doctors needs to stop! Hypoglycemic symptoms can be felt at any blood sugar number.
What are symptoms of hypoglycemia?
•Dizziness / weakness / shakiness
•Brain fog / difficulty concentrating
•Intense or urgent hunger / cravings for carbs, sweets, starches
•Anxiety / irritability / moodiness
•Racing heart / heart palpitations
•Tingling or dry lips
•Nausea / vomiting
These symptoms are indicating your body perceives you are low on fuel.
This is often due to an inability to efficiently burn body fat for fuel.
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