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The REAL truth About Blood Sugar!

Our blood sugar controls how we feel every second of the day so it’s something REALLY important to get right if you want to feel great!

Our blood sugar also has HUGE impacts on our long term health as well!

Blood sugar affects every cell, organ, and process in our bodies so it has far reaching effects on every aspect of our health.

And this is why the symptoms of blood sugar issues are so broad!

If your blood sugar isn’t working for you, it’s working against you and can lead to so many unwanted side effects like the ones listed in the graphic (and SO many more!!)

Fortunately my signature program is coming back so you can learn to master your blood sugar to start feeling great again!

BLOOD SUGAR MASTERY is the ultimate program to control your blood sugar so it stops controlling you.

My past students have experienced incredible changes and now you can too!!

I'm thrilled to announce that the waitlist is OFFICIALLY OPEN

See you inside

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Wondering Which Foods To Limit When Improving Blood Sugar Levels?

If you’re eating a diet with many real, whole foods but are still struggling with blood sugar issues like I was, these are some foods to look at.

What do all these foods have in common?? They will all spike your blood sugar.

It can be hard to look at a food we have looked at as “healthy” our whole lives and realize that it might not be the best food for us right now. But it’s so important.

I was eating a paleo diet with all real foods when I developed Insulin Resistance and PCOS.

I temporarily cut out these foods, added more healthy fats and voilà.. good bye IR & PCOS.

The good news is that after some time, I was able to start adding back in these foods in smaller quantities with no change in symptoms and without my PCOS or IR returning.

We need to get rid of all or nothing thinking and be more flexible so we can learn when to dial things up and down.

When I say “limit” that might mean NONE of these foods for some time and for others, a...

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Looking to Balance Your Blood Sugar Levels?

This week in Blood Sugar Mastery we are reviewing strategies for more balanced blood sugar.

One of the biggest game changers in helping me reduce my sugar cravings, have more energy and better hormones was having balanced blood sugar.

This essentially means reducing big spikes and big crashes. We want the blood sugar to only gently rise after a meal (or not at all), and gently come back down to baseline.

This helps us have reduced cravings, better energy levels, better sleep, better skin, better hormone balance, and so much more.

These are some of my favorite hacks for reducing blood sugar spikes:

1 Have a tbsp of ACV (in some water) before meals. Add cinnamon for a better taste!

2 Eat fat, protein (& fiber in the form of green veggies if not carnivore) before carbs at meals. This will slow the glucose response.

3 Avoid eating a big amount of protein with no fat as this may convert to glucose and spike your sugar! This includes lean protein (like chicken breast, egg whites, white...

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Can You Say No To Naked Carbs?

If you’re trying to balance your blood sugar or hormones, reverse insulin resistance and lower inflammation, just say NO to NAKED CARBS!

What is a naked carb you ask??

It’s any food that’s high in carbs (like these: ) that is eaten alone or ISN’T eaten with a food that’s high in fat and protein.

So if you eat an apple, have it after a meal, or have something like hard boiled eggs first to slow the absorption of the glucose.

So why is this important?! Because steady blood sugar levels (without big spikes and crashes) can help you feel steady energy, mental clarity, happy moods, and set the stage for balanced hormones.

When our blood sugar is spiking and crashing, that’s when we experience energy swings, mood swings, reduced immune function, hormone imbalances, brain fog, carb cravings, sugar cravings, excess hunger, and of course its setting the stage for chronic diseases.

When I ate this apple by itself, as soon as my blood sugar started coming...

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Symptoms are the language of your body.

Symptoms are the language of your body.

To suppress symptoms without understanding what they’re telling you is a slippery slope.  #dontkillthemessenger

Oftentimes individual symptoms can be vague (like low energy) but if you zoom out and look at the patterns, you can really begin to understand.

For example, you have low energy when you wake up and every afternoon but have a lot of energy at night, you have trouble sleeping and falling asleep, you get headaches when your meal is delayed and you have trouble losing weight. To me, all of these signs alone can have multiple causes but when we see them together, my mind is screaming blood sugar and adrenals.

If we just caffeinated and took sleeping pills and cut calories to try to get rid of these symptoms we would never get rid of them or hit the root cause.

The other issue I see with symptoms is that oftentimes people are highly unaware of how they feel.

In my upcoming Blood Sugar Mastery program (click here to get on the VIP...

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Your blood sugar levels impact every organ in your body!

Your blood sugar levels impact every organ in your body! This is why blood sugar symptoms can be so diverse and broad!

Starting with the BRAIN .. common signs of blood sugar issues can be low energy, mood issues (anxiety, depression, irritability), memory loss, brain fog, headaches, migraines, poor concentration, dizziness, and more.

SKIN: Blood sugar issues can lead to acne, and can cause or exacerbate other skin issues like eczema, psoriasis, and lead to other skin conditions like acanthosis nigricans.

THYROID: One of the coolest things I witness when working with clients on their blood sugar is that almost all of them, rather quickly, get to lower or come off of their thyroid medications! Even those with Hashimoto’s!

HEART: Insulin resistance is the leading cause of high blood pressure and heart disease. Sugar depletes minerals essential for contracting and relaxing muscles (Mg, Ca). This can lead to arrhythmias.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: High blood sugar levels are inflammatory. High...

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Blood sugar symptoms are unfamiliar to most of us, but over 88% of adults are metabolically unhealthy.

Blood sugar symptoms are unfamiliar to most of us, but over 88% of adults are metabolically unhealthy. This means blood sugar issues y’all!!

Fixing blood sugar issues and achieving optimal health is not just about changing macros.

Because what if you can’t digest fats well??

Or what if you’re a stress case which means you’re chronically in sympathetic over drive (hello hormone imbalance) and burning through minerals?

What if you’re consuming foods you don’t digest well or processed foods that lead to inflammation?

What if you use toxic products and have a sluggish liver?

What if you don’t move or work out?

All of these things (and many more) need to be addressed!!

This is why so often I hear that people plateau or that they can’t get the results of someone they’re copying on Instagram.

It’s not about following “the right” template or meal plan.

It’s about tapping into your body and learning what it needs. It’s...

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At a normal weight or under weight?? You can still be dealing with blood sugar issues.

At a normal weight or under weight?? You can still be dealing with blood sugar issues.

I saw this quote the other day and it rings true in this case, “Just because you’re skinny, doesn’t mean you’re healthy.”

If you are going through my content and relating to the symptoms regardless of your weight, you likely are experiencing these issues and would benefit from working on controlling your blood sugar.

Why would you want to do that?? Because our blood sugar not only controls how we feel at every moment of the day, it also has huge impacts on our long term health.

High blood sugar levels or constant spikes and crashes is inflammatory, taxes your adrenals, imbalances your hormones, depletes you of nutrients, is stressful on your organs, and more.

This is why diabetes is a leading cause of macular degeneration, kidney disease, heart disease, and is associated with Alzheimer’s, cancer, autoimmunity, and a myriad of other chronic inflammatory diseases.


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