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Find Out Which Foods Are The Worst For Blood Sugar Levels!

Wondering what kind of things we study in Blood Sugar Mastery?

In module 1 we take a deep dive into which foods are bad for blood sugar, which ones to focus on, and which ones to slowly start reducing.

The best foods for our blood sugar are those with fats &/or protein.

Fat has almost no impact on our blood sugar & insulin levels.

Think of fat as like a on a . It burns low & slow providing long lasting energy.

Protein has a small effect on blood sugar & insulin and that effect is lessened when the protein is eaten with a lot of fat.

e.g., A fatty ribeye steak won’t spike you as much as a chicken breast because of the fats.

That’s why when it comes to stable blood sugar, I always recommend “fatty proteins” like beef, eggs, salmon, etc.

Some of the worst offenders for blood sugar are refined sugars, flour & vegetable oils.

Vegetable oils, like oils used for frying, used at restaurants, & those used in most processed foods, inflame insulin...

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Hypoglycemic Symptoms Can Be Felt at Any Blood Sugar Number

The gaslighting from doctors needs to stop! Hypoglycemic symptoms can be felt at any blood sugar number.

What are symptoms of hypoglycemia?

•Dizziness / weakness / shakiness
•Brain fog / difficulty concentrating
•Intense or urgent hunger / cravings for carbs, sweets, starches
•Anxiety / irritability / moodiness
•Racing heart / heart palpitations
•Tingling or dry lips
•Nausea / vomiting

These symptoms are indicating your body perceives you are low on fuel.

This is often due to an inability to efficiently burn body fat for fuel.

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The Most Commonly Underestimated Cause of Blood Sugar Issues: Stress!

I see it every day. The macros are perfect yet you’re still struggling with high levels of blood sugar or frequent crashes.

It’s time to finally take a hard look at how much time you are spending in a stressed state.

Acute stressors, even rushing around getting ready to leave the house, can lead to a spike in blood sugar that’s visible on a CGM.

But I’m not as concerned about those short periods of stress, like exercise, because that’s what our body was built for.

What our body was NOT built for was the chronic stress that we experience in our modern, fast-paced lifestyle.

Chronic stress raises glucose over time, can contribute to insulin resistance, hormone imbalances, gut issues and literally soooo many other issues.

Chronic stress depletes the adrenals which are a major organ of blood sugar regulation.

Even though most of our stress isn’t going anywhere, we do have some control.

It’s soo important to get our bodies out of a stressed state and...

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