One of the most common mistakes I see with people trying to improve their blood sugar and lose weight on a keto diet is overdoing it on fat.
(Coincidentally, the other most common issue I see is people UNDER eating fat.. but that’s a topic for another day).
I made the mistake of making fat bombs when I first went keto and all I could think about all day were the fat bombs!
I’d be driving home from work having a mental battle with myself like, “ok you can have two. Ok maybe 3.. no more than 5…” It was exhausting.
I even tried making them without any sweeteners and found I was still obsessing.
The problem with these is that they may be perpetuating your addiction to “treats” but also they’re taking the place of real, nutrient dense foods.
Same with bulletproof coffee. 5 tablespoons of butter in coffee is not a meal. I’m all for the butter, trust me. Butter is my love language… but it can’t take the place of an entire meal.
Our body needs NUTRIENTS. Yes butter has some great ones but we need a little more than this on a regular basis.
Don’t only think of MACROnutrients.. think of the MICROnutrients too!! (vitamins & minerals)
If you find you’re having fat bombs, having excessive fat in your coffee that replaces a meal, keto bars and fat bars, you will very likely stall your progress and be stuck in a plateau.
Replace this with a beautiful meal of wild salmon drizzled in lemon & butter (see, you can still have butter) with a side of roasted asparagus, some avocado and olives.
If weight loss is your goal, remember your body needs to feel healthy to drop the weight. Aim for health and the weight will come off as a side effect.
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