Who is the #SugarFree30 for?
Answer yes or no to the following:
Are you always tired?
Are you dependent on caffeine?
Do you crave carbs or sugar?
Do you have difficulty sleeping well?
Do you have difficulty losing weight or are overweight?
Do you have PCOS, prediabetes, insulin resistance, or diabetes?
Do you get shaky, lightheaded, or headaches between meals?
Are you a snacker?
Do you get intensely hungry + irritability, also known as “hangry”?
Do you have brain fog or reduced mental clarity?
Do you have skin issues like acne, rosacea, psoriasis, or eczema?
Do you have mood issues such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, or just moodiness?
Do you feel like your stress is contributing to weight gain and poor health?
Do you feel inflamed or have any inflammatory condition (many of them end in “itis”)?
Do you crave carbs (like bread or rice) or sugar?
Do you feel addicted to sugar or carbs?
Do you binge eat?
Do you want to lose weight?
Do you want to have improved blood sugar so you can have better mental clarity, mood, and energy levels?
Do you want to begin to reverse insulin resistance so your body can burn fat for fuel?
Do you want better sleep, better digestion, and better skin?
Do you want to reduce and finally eliminate those strong cravings for carbs and sugar?
Do you want to feel full and satisfied without having to snack?
Do you want to reduce your stress and improve your mood?
Do you want to learn how to heal your own body with food and lifestyle?
Are you ready to make big changes in your health by making big changes in your diet and lifestyle?
If you answered ‘YES’ to any of the questions above, the #SugarFree30 Challenge is for you!
This challenge is designed to be CHALLENGING. Most people want to see big changes in their health and you won’t see big changes unless you make big changes. Every aspect of this challenge was designed to help improve blood sugar regulation which plays a huge, fundamental role in the health of every cell, organ, and system in our bodies.
Here are some frightening statistics:
1 in 2 Americans have issues with their blood sugar. -Dr. Mark Hyman (In my professional experience, I have found that this number is MUCH higher!!)
More than 100,000,000 Americans are living with diabetes or prediabetes. (1)
Nearly 1 in 4 four adults living with diabetes – 7.2 million Americans – didn’t know they had the condition. (1)
An estimated 30.3 million people of all ages—or 9.4% of the U.S. population—had diabetes in 2015 (1)
1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes every year. (2)
In 2015, 84.1 million Americans age 18 and older had prediabetes. (2)
Diabetes remains the 7th leading cause of death in the United States in 2015, with 79,535 death certificates listing it as the underlying cause of death, and a total of 252,806 death certificates listing diabetes as an underlying or contributing cause of death. (2)
The amazing news is that Type 2 Diabetes is reversible and COMPLETELY preventable!
However, it is much easier to prevent Diabetes than to reverse it. This is why my life passion is to help people understand the signs of blood sugar dysregulation so they can improve their blood sugar before it starts destroying their health. Even small issues with blood sugar will manifest as negative symptoms of health (such as brain fog, mood swings, acne, low energy, poor sleep, and so much more).
Because the vast majority of people have blood sugar issues at the root of many of their health issues, this challenge will have 5 main domains, each of which is designed to help balance blood sugar levels. The domains are also designed to help replenish nutrient deficiencies, balance hormones, increase our body’s ability to detoxify, and reduce our dependence and craving of carbs & sugar. (It’s also designed to improve all those things I mentioned earlier in the questions.)
Before I describe the challenge, I don’t want you to have answered yes to a bunch of questions above, and then get deterred by not being able to follow all the rules perfectly – so for example, if I say “buy grass-fed/grass-finished beef,” and you say, “I can’t afford that right now,” PLEASE still do the challenge. I want everyone to customize this for themselves.
Do your best. Do what you can. But do SOMETHING.
What’s not okay is saying, I can’t afford beef so I’ll have a bagel instead. I want you to follow the rules as closely as you can but it doesn’t have to be perfect. We are always aiming for progress, not perfection.
Enter your info to get all the guidelines for the #SugarFree30 program! Once you enter your email address, check your inbox for an email with all the rules!