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Signs You're a Sugar Burner or Sign You're Metabolically Flexible

Are you a sugar burner, metabolically flexible or somewhere in between?? ⁣

Becoming metabolically flexible (able to burn both glucose AND fat for fuel) was the biggest game changer in my health journey. ⁣

When I had no ability to tap into stored body fat for fuel, every few hours, I had to eat or I would feel shaky, lightheaded, hangry and anxious. I had no metabolic flexibility. ⁣i intuitively snacked and grazed to prevent these feelings. ⁣

This is called reactive hypoglycemia. It goes hand in hand with #InsulinResistance.⁣

Now I can easily skip meals, sometimes I literally forget to eat (I used to think people who said that were making it up!), and I never feel INTENSE hunger. ⁣

My energy is stable throughout the day, I stopped having acne, I lost weight, and wouldn’t you know it, I no longer have Insulin Resistance, PCOS or PMS!🔥⁣


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