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Best Blood Sugar & Insulin Stabilizing Foods!

We know that reducing blood sugar and insulin spikes at meals helps us have more stable energy levels, avoid energy crashes, have more balanced hormones, fewer cravings, less anxiety, better moods, better skin, and more.

Stable blood sugar & insulin is also so important for our long term health.

The best way to reduce these inflammatory spikes of blood sugar and insulin is to have lots of healthy fats (& protein) at meals.

These foods contain lots of healthy fats and tons of nutrients, plus have the least effect on blood sugar and insulin so you can feel fuller and energized longer without having to depend on carbs and sugar for energy.

Certain fats and oils (like butter & olive oil) are great but be sure to get your fats from food as well because they contain more nutrients than the oils.

These foods can also help promote a metabolic state of nutritional ketosis (which we are learning about this week in Blood Sugar Mastery!)

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