If you’re eating a diet with many real, whole foods but are still struggling with blood sugar issues like I was, these are some foods to look at.
What do all these foods have in common?? They will all spike your blood sugar.
It can be hard to look at a food we have looked at as “healthy” our whole lives and realize that it might not be the best food for us right now. But it’s so important.
I was eating a paleo diet with all real foods when I developed Insulin Resistance and PCOS.
I temporarily cut out these foods, added more healthy fats and voilà.. good bye IR & PCOS.
The good news is that after some time, I was able to start adding back in these foods in smaller quantities with no change in symptoms and without my PCOS or IR returning.
✨ We need to get rid of all or nothing thinking and be more flexible so we can learn when to dial things up and down. ✨
When I say “limit” that might mean NONE of these foods for some time and for others, a small portion might be fine and not affect blood sugar.
But how do you know how much or how little of these to eat??
How do you know if you should remove them completely and for how long?
How will you know when to experiment with adding them back in and in what quantity?
This is among the many things my Blood Sugar Mastery students are learning in the program.
The next round starts in November! Don't forget to join the waitlist!
For now I recommend starting with testing your blood sugar after you eat these foods.
Remember, these foods are not inherently bad, they might just be blocking your healing! They also might work for some because #bioindividuality.
50% Complete
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