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Are you hungry between meals?

The reason why there is NO SNACKING allowed in the #SugarFree30 program is because it’s so good for your blood sugar (and digestion- win win!)

As a refresher, by avoiding snacking, we allow insulin levels to come down which reduces risk of insulin resistance, and it allows you the opportunity to burn your own body fat for fuel and become metabolically flexible.

It doesn’t happen overnight thought. So since I recommend cutting out snacks, I know many of you are gonna say, “But Dani, I get too hungry.”

The easy fix for this is eating bigger meals. And that especially means more fat and protein at each meal.

Protein is the most satiating macronutrient. And fat is like a big log in the fire . It burns low and slow unlike carbs which are more like kindling that burn hot and fast.

If your meals are carb heavy with just a little fat and protein, you won’t make it more than a few hours and certainly not 5 or 6 hours until your next meal.

If you’re...

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