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The brain is the first organ affected by the inability to burn body fat

When you are not metabolically flexible and can’t easily burn body fat for fuel, your body will be dependent for energy from the carbohydrates you eat.

Think about carbohydrates like kindling in a fire. Carbs burn hot and fast. If there are no logs in the fire (dietary & body fat) you will be out of fuel very quickly.

Your brain which is very energy hungry, will be the first to indicate to you that there is an energy crisis.

All of the symptoms above and more can be signs that your body is unable to burn body fat for fuel and this is often accompanied by cravings and urgent hunger for foods high in carbohydrates and sugar.

Becoming metabolically flexible is one of the keys to health! You can start by lowering carbs AND INCREASING FAT!

Remember, the fat is like the log in the fire. It will burn low and slow and give you energy for hours! If you can’t make it more than a few hours between meals, up the fat and see if that helps!

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These are the fats and fatty foods to add more of for better blood sugar & hormones!

Save & Share! These are the fats and fatty foods to add more of for better blood sugar & hormones!

Healthy fats provide long lasting energy like a log on a fire

They are the building blocks of every cell membrane.

They aid in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins ADE&K.

They allow for proper use of proteins.

They slow the absorption of carbohydrates and reduce blood sugar spikes.

They make us feel full so we can stop snacking (which messes up our blood sugar).

Fats help your body inflame and anti-inflame.

They increase muscle endurance

And let’s be real…. They taste amazing!!

What are your favorite healthy fats??

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