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What Should A Blood Sugar Graph Look Like?

Our blood sugar controls how we feel at every second of every day and also has huge impacts on our long-term health.

But you already knew that ๐Ÿ˜‰ So now I want to teach you all how to better understand your Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) graphs.

When your graph has lots of spikes and crashes and goes out of that happy green range, you start to feel lots of unwanted symptoms (like cravings, dizziness, shakiness, urgent hunger, fatigue, anxiety, & more) and this is what contributes to long term health issues (like high cholesterol & blood pressure, hormone imbalances, diabetes, etc.)

But when your graph stays in that happy green range (which I recommend setting at 70-110 mg/dL /3.9-6.1 mmoL… more on this in future posts), you feel stable energy, have better moods, sleep soundly, don’t have cravings or intense hunger and you set yourself up for better overall health and well-being!

Over time, after you heal, you can get more leniency with your green range. I now put mine up to 120 mg/dL but still like to make sure I’m not spiking more than 30 points at a meal.

โš ๏ธThese graphs are from one of my clients and are only one week apart from each other!!!!!!

The top is BEFORE Blood Sugar Mastery and the bottom is one week after starting!

Change can happen quickly when you address all the root causes!

Want to learn to understand your graphs better AND learn how to improve them like this?!

You’re in luck! BLOOD SUGAR MASTERY, my signature group coaching program is back for its 14th round!!

This highly effective program will give you all the tools to master your blood sugar so you can gain energy, crush cravings, sleep better and feel incredible!

Want to learn more about if your a sugar burner or metabolically flexible? Check out my blog post HERE.


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