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6 Common Low Carb and Keto Digestive Issues

Some people see a lot of improvement with their digestion when they go low-carb or keto…

But for others, things might get worse.

These are just a few of the common digestive issues I see with my clients and when they start increasing healthy fats and proteins , oftentimes they really struggle.

Why is this?? ‍

So many people I see already have low stomach acid (from stress, nutrient deficiencies, past history of excessive carb consumption or plant based diets), and when they start eating more meat, their low stomach acid levels struggle to break down all that protein.

This leaves them feeling excessively full after meals as if the food is sitting in their stomach like a brick , it can drive heartburn ‍ and indigestion, constipation, undigested food in the stool, inflammation, burping and bloating after meals, and more.

Low stomach acid will also negatively impact the whole sequence of events in digestion so we may not get the trigger for the pancreas to produce enzymes...

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