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Ready To Support Your Gallbladder?

As you know, FAT is your blood sugar’s best friend.

In order to get the blood sugar-stabilizing benefits of fats, we need to be able to break them down and absorb them.

I’m order to do that we need to support our liver and gallbladder to make good bile.

If bile isn’t thin and free flowing, it won’t do its job of breaking down fats into their usable forms, fatty acids.

Fats actually have no benefit to us unless we can break them down and absorb them.

Undigested fats actually become inflammatory for the body and can wreak havoc on the digestive system.

Focusing on these foods can help to thin out your bile so that it is free flowing and can do its job better.

This is only one piece of the puzzle but a great place to start.

Another nutrient that also really helps is choline which is found in high amounts in egg yolks.

Source: @drjockers 

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