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You shouldn’t have to eat every few hours to keep your blood sugar from crashing!

You shouldn’t have to eat every few hours to keep your blood sugar from crashing!

If you do, you are likely stuck in a sugar-burning mode where your body cannot efficiently burn fat for fuel.

When you can’t burn fat for fuel, you’re chained to sugar and carbs. Since sugar and carbs spike insulin, the insulin ends up storing the sugar leaving you once again with low blood sugar and a need for more sugar and carbs!

This is the blood sugar roller coaster. It is often due to insulin resistance, and a combination of low adrenal function and mineral deficiency.

Diet-wise, I constantly hear people talking about “eating more protein” if your blood sugar always crashes.

Yes, protein is important but what’s being left out of the conversation is FAT!!! You need fat to stabilize your blood sugar.

Too much protein, especially lean protein, converts to sugar so if your blood sugar is always crashing and you’re eating a chicken breast and vegetables, you’re not fueling properly.

If you are struggling with blood sugar crashes, definitely check out my Reactive Hypoglycemia Masterclass! It will give you so much insight and tools on how to stop the crashes and start feeling better. 

I see so many people struggling with this and for many, it is debilitating!


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