For those starting out on a journey to better blood sugar (the most effective way to burning fat and having more energy), you’ll want to think about having carbs as a condiment.
If you want more energy and to burn fat, you won’t want carbs to be the bulk of your meal.
Sure carbs give you a burst of energy but then insulin will spike (insulin is a hormone that lowers blood sugar by building fat).
With high levels of insulin in our blood, we shut off fat burning (lypolisis) and instead start building body fat.
With the sugar down from the insulin, we will start to feel tired and hungry because our body senses low energy.
This only puts us in the carb craving zone because our body wants fast energy and this starts the cycle all over again.
With carbs as a condiment, (also best if eaten LAST), we hardly have any blood sugar response and limited insulin release.
The fats and proteins keep sugar and energy stable for hours and with insulin low, lypolisis (fat burning) can turn on.
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