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Stomach Acid is Essential for Breaking Down Proteins

Depressed?? Anxious?? Hormone Imbalances? Bloating? Burping? Brittle nails or bones? Thin hair? Read on 👇

Without adequate stomach acid, we can’t break down proteins.

Stomach acid is what activates a protein-digesting enzyme pepsinogen into its active form, pepsin.

Remember, proteins don’t just build muscle. They break down to form skin, hair, nails, enzymes, hemoglobin, HORMONES & NEUROTRANSMITTERS!!

Lack of adequate protein intake and poor digestion of proteins can set us up for hormone imbalances, mood issues like anxiety/depression, excessive appetite, worsened digestion, bloating, indigestion, burping or gas after meals, nutrient deficiencies, gut flora imbalances, and so much more!

There are a variety of ways to increase stomach acid and you may need to do several of these things but here are some general tips:

1. Get in a rest and digest state
2. Chew 20-30 times per bite
3. Support digestion with Apple Cider Vinegar, digestive bitters, or HCl (please work with a practitioner for proper dosing)
4. Consume adequate SALT 🧂, zinc and B12 to make the constituents of the acid.

Digestion is an entire module in Blood Sugar Mastery, my signature course because it is the number 1 healing priority of the body!!


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