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Fasting Blood Glucose Numbers Explained

These are the numbers I use in my practice. These are not the numbers you’ll see in your doctor’s office.

Doctors often test for this on a standard blood panel but don’t interpret it in a helpful way. For example, when my blood sugar was 60 and I was super dizzy and lightheaded, no one said anything to me about it.

Luckily, you can (and should) test your glucose at home. Fasting glucose can be taken in the morning upon rising with a blood glucose meter like the Keto Mojo or my favorite, the FORA6.

Sometimes CGMs can be off up to +/- 20mg/dL so I recommend still checking with a finger prick meter even if you use a CGM.

Some people have higher fasting glucose levels in the morning because of the Dawn Phenomenon. This might indicate you have more work to do on your blood sugar, and that your liver might need some love.

This is not the only criteria for diagnosis for diabetes or prediabetes and I’m certainly not diagnosing you over Instagram.

However, this is still a great tool for knowing where you’re at and keeping track of your progress.

Do you measure your blood sugar?? What are your fasting numbers??


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